09 January 2007

Stop Ahmadinejad from killing Eliad!

Stop Ahmadinejad from murdering my great-grandson Eliad and his parents Inbal and Moshe

Stop Ahmadinejad from incinerating my entire family in Israel with nuclear weapons like Hitler did in the ovens of Auschwitz to my wife's grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Stop Ahmadinejad from murdering my grandchildren Or, Yahel, Shirel, Maytav, Tagel, and Razel in Yeroham

Stop Ahmadinejad from murdering my grandchildren Inbal, Rachelle, Yishai, and Elianne in Petah Tikva and Renana in Tel Aviv

Stop Ahmadinejad from murdering my children and their spouses

Stop Ahmadinejad from mudering my wife Miriam and me.

Stop Ahmadinejad from realizing his plan to wipe Israel off the map as a prelude to global jihad. Inspired by 9/11, he also plans to murder Ari, Julie, Elan, and Tali, my children and grandchildren in USA.

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